Why church bulletin advertising?
- Local, targeted community advertising
- Goes home with parish families every week
- Constant presence of your business
- Ensures a strong link with your customers by keeping your name in front of them
- Good source of referrals
- Captive audience
- Trusted source
- Affordable advertising
- Available weekly in print, online and a social media presence
- Added value included with FREE access to your personal Finding FABER account
“Besides the Bible, the church bulletin is the most frequently read piece of literature by the Catholic faithful” – A former editor of St. Anthony Messenger Magazine
Does Your Advertising
- Establish a relationship?
- Build a friendship?
- Earn referrals?
- Generate a testimony?
- Capture repeat business?
Your Ad Space is Waiting for You!
Here is how our 52 week Program works
- JPPC prints your Ad each week for 52 weeks
- Graphics Department to help with set up of logos, graphics & photos for your Ad
- Includes copy changes quarterly
- Vertical, Horizontal, Blocks & Banner Ads available
- Multiple church placements available
- Automatically, FREE access to your personal Finding FABER account with any 52 week program
Advertising Sample
Existing Advertisers

John Patrick Publishing (JPP) welcomes you to…

Finding FABER furthers the reach of your print and digital church bulletin advertising. Set up your account and the App puts you on the map in real-time!
Finding FABER increases awareness and exposure of your local business (location, hours and promotions) on Android and iOS devices, and is available to ALL consumers in your community – not just parishioners!
Your 52-week advertising commitment with JPPC allows unlimited, FREE access to your Finding FABER account. Update whatever you want, whenever you want, wherever you are.
Already have an advertisement? Click here to get started with your Finding FABER account:
Get ready to WELCOME your customers and the Finding FABER App through your doors!
Need help? Email Finding FABER support at contact@findingfaber.com or call 1-877-212-9908.

Proven Success Testimonials:
Huber Handyman Services LLC, Collegeville, PA
I have been very pleased with the results of my ad in St Eleanor’s bulletin. I receive about four potential client contacts per week that reference the ad. Most of these contacts turn into clients. I will be renewing my ad.
Insurance Agent
I actually got 3 new customers in my first 5 months. Excited for my home church to join your network in the near future.
Archbishop Ryan High School
I can’t say enough about John Patrick Publishing, especially working our church bulletin rep Tracey Rauh. She repeatedly exceeds my expectations, is always responsive and helpful, and is the key person in the success we’ve had building partnerships with local parishes. Thanks to Tracey’s great out-of-the-box ideas, our programs and events have been very visible to our target audiences.
Repair Wizards, Haddon Heights, NJ
Very effective in reaching my local community, definitely got foot traffic through my door! Soon to expand my support into neighboring churches, it really worked for me.
JPPC prints weekly bulletins for parishes in PA, NJ, NY, CT, MA, NH, RI, FL, VA, DE, MD & TX